At the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Light Metals Division in Skawina, operates an " Advanced Technology Incubator for Plastic Forming of Light Alloys based on Al and Mg".
The overall objective of the Incubator is to conduct research on advanced technologies of the plastic forming of Al and Mg alloys, targeted at application in enterprises of aluminium and magnesium processing and in the automotive, defense, maritime, aerospace and electronics industry. The scope of this activity includes technology development related to: preparation of liquid metal for casting, casting of aluminium and its alloys, and magnesium alloys in ingots for plastic forming, the processes of plastic forming of light metals, such as extrusion, rolling, forging, drawing and stamping, fabrication of protective coatings on Al and Mg products, processing and disposal of waste, and making new materials based on light metals. The Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy and Chemical Analysis provides a complete characterisation of materials, semi-finished products and final products at every stage of their production in terms of the structure, mechanical and electrical properties, and other properties.
Base materials and human resources which the Incubator uses in its activity enable carrying out comprehensive research on advanced technologies and materials in the field of light alloys based on Al and Mg. Unique experimental and pilot installations operating in the Incubator and the experienced scientific staff make firm basis for the joint research tasks undertaken in cooperation with other R&D units, various branches of the Academy of Sciences, institutions, universities and foreign research partners.
The activity and the development of the Incubator has been financially supported by the project entitled "Advanced Technology Incubator for Plastic Forming of Light Alloys based on Al and Mg" No. POIG.02.01.00-12-062/09 under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013, Priority 2, R&D Infrastructure, Measure 2.1 Development of research centres with high potential.
The project provides for the construction of a pilot, experimental system for the semi-continuous casting of magnesium alloy ingots with a melting installation and auxiliary equipment, and also for the expansion and modernisation of technology halls and laboratories as regards their apparatus and facilities.